Friday, July 22, 2011

Dear Life…

Dear Life, 

I have learned a lot from our walk this past 34 years. Like, how to tie my shoes, how to bake a cake and how to drive a stick shift. I’ve even learned some of the important things, like how to share, how to know when to listen and when to talk, and how to be a gracious winner {and loser}. It’s those losing moments that taught me the most though. In fact, if I had to do it over again, Life, I would probably write a few more letters:

Such as…

Dear Julie*, I’m sorry I put gum in your hair. I was young and stupid. 

Dear Matt, I’m sorry I stood you up at lunch that one time… I knew if I went I would marry you, and I wasn’t ready to have my life planned out for me yet. 

Dear Amber, I am sorry it has been so long since we talked. I know life {sorry Life} gets in the way, but I don’t know how weeks turned into months…and years so quickly... You are much too precious to me to throw away… 

Dear Kyle, I’m too good for you. No, I’m not being conceited. I was just too insecure at the time to realize how poorly you were treating me and I deserve better. {It took me a long time to be able to say that!} 

There would be good letters too though… 

Dear Kind Stranger, I will never forget that time when I lost my purse, and you held on to it, and answered my phone when I called. And waited, and waited, for me to find you. And not one penny was missing. 

Dear Kelly, thank you for being that friend that I could call at all hours of the night and in any time of need. You don’t know what those moments meant to me, even now. 

Dear boys. My boys. Thank you for your unconditional love, your forgiveness and tender hearts. You bring hope for the future and joy to my life. 

Dear Mexico, thank you for reminding me of the importance of HOME and to love my neighbors, near & far. 

Dear Malawi, thank you for completely humbling me and bringing me to my knees. You will always be in my heart. 

Dear Melanie, thank you for making me laugh uncontrollably and for showing me what it looks like to be a Godly woman and mother… everyone needs a YOU in their life… 

Oh Life, you shared a lot with me, but you didn’t tell me how complicated it would be!
I know that this was not the life I imagined for myself when I was young – but does it ever turn out exactly how we imagined? I get so ‘set’ on my plans I sometimes forget to look at God’s plan for my life. Because you know what? I am living out EXACTLY the life God imagined for me. And there is a lot of comfort in that. 

So, my philosophy going forward? Is to have this: 

Pure Grace –
Philosophy: one of the best tools for longevity and good health is not just taking a walk outdoors but taking your walk while holding the hand of God. When we walk in gratitude for each and every moment, we empower ourselves by empowering our spirits. When we breathe in nature through our eyes, ears and lips, we become certain that not only are our souls eternal, but that God knows how to manage our lives, our troubles, our worries and our days better than we do. So today and everyday “let go and let God.” 

I read that on a bottle of lotion. I swear. And it is fabulous! 

God has blessed me with 34 years, and by his grace I hope for {at least} 34 more. So Life, ready? Let’s walk, my friend. 



{*All names have been changed of course. Even the good ones.}

5 comments: said...

Awww... I LOVE this, Reannah!! I'm so blessed to have you as my friend! Happy Birthday! Excited to see you in the morning!
Laurie :)

Lindsay @ Delighted Momma said...

Wow!! What an amazing and inspiring post. Loved reading this. I am going to copy that quote on pure grace and attach it to my bathroom mirror. Beautiful!

Ann from On Sutton Place said...

Lovely post and from your heart. I think we all need to make amends at some point. Love the pic of you and your boys on the beach. :o)

Maiden of Nature said...

This is beautiful xx

Anonymous said...

This is such a beautiful post. What a marvelous perspective.

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